Sunday, June 8, 2008

Glacier National Park: An Intro (and Warning)

The warning part of the title refers to the likelihood that our signal (and therefore posting) will be spotty over the next several days. Just a heads up for our loyal readers.

The intro is also in case our posting is delayed. Here are some things about Glacier:
-It's the only area in the lower 48 with its historical predators intact.
-It's actually two areas: small Waterton Lakes in Alberta and large Glacier National Park in Montana. We are visiting both.
-It has wolves, bears, bighorn sheep, moose, mountain goats, and mountain lions.
-We are armed with bear spray.

In all seriousness, we're taking every precaution to be safe given the time of year. Anyways, look for great posts but remember why they might be delayed (including for the couple of days we'll be in Canada after visiting Glacier NP).
