Sunday, June 29, 2008

Woodside: Culture of Fitness

Last night was a stay-in and relax night, which is always good, and it led to a good amount of sleeping today. I was actually woken up with the great news that my cousin Pablo just won golf's French Open (makes waking up much better).

Soon after waking up Orion and Elizabeth were picked up by Ben, a friend of Orion's from Stanford, and they headed into the city. As for me, I took Rhonda's advice and ran "the loop": 4.2 miles around Woodside. It was a great workout with a sweet kick over the last .5 miles.

One thing I noticed on my run is that there were probably 50 bikers and 10 runners/walkers out and about. If today is the norm then I'm very impressed by Woodside's culture of fitness!

For me today's plan is to do a bit of reading and then watching the Euro 2008 finals (go Spain!) followed by golf with my two new pals Jeremy and David. Today has the makings of another great day!
