Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Port Angeles: Itty Bitty Buzz

That's the view at Itty Bitty Buzz Cafe here in Port Angeles, Washington. Why am I here? Well, I have some lingering right knee pain so I decided to shut it down for a day or two and avoid hiking/walking as much as possible. If it gets better in the next day or two then no worries. If it gets worse, I'll probably stop in somewhere in Portland, OR (we arrive this upcoming Friday).

And I just got off the phone with Orion while typing this post... turns out that most of Olympic National Park is better seen in a drive at this time of year, so I could have seen what they're about to see. Oops! 

However, since I am enjoying myself in the cafe, they're going to do a relatively short drive to and from the area around Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center while I'll spend a few hours here catching up on news, business, investing, reading, etc. Then they'll come back for me, we'll make our way over to 9 0'clock or so on Olympic National Park (imagine it as a clock), and then we'll find a place to camp out on one of the Washington coast beaches.
